Skull torch (and decorative arts with mushroom borders)


  1. darling when I saw you at Historical Materialism you had the CUTEST badge - a pantheon burning with divine fire - do you know who made them? Can we get the graphic? They'd be great this side of the pond too...

  2. you could send it or the info to if you liked

  3. your paper was fucking great btw, make it into something real I can see and show to people.

  4. Ah, wish I could send you the image. A couple of kind Viennese gave the pin to me, don't know their names or contacts.

  5. As for paper (assuming you mean HM London), yeah, it exists only in scattered forms... but it'll be in full in book when that comes out. And in the meantime, I'll work up a condensed version, throw it up here to be read and spread to whomever for free.

    Also, given the Sussex email, just want to say: serious solidarity from CA! Damn excited about what's going on. You've got hearts beating fast everywhere. Stay strong...

  6. Pret-ty image! (There's more than one skull in there if you look carefully..)
