On that note of a cryptic polka dot pistol buried in a white pillow: S a/o B will return shortly to actual thought, rather than its current arbitrary dissemination of images. Time is thee enemy, and lately, it's been mine as well. Been working on not-so-bloggable projects, politickin', and facing a storm of deadlines I brought upon myself. New work coming out shortly, though: first up, a piece in Film Quarterly on Marco Ferreri's Dillinger Is Dead and what it means to make anti-bourgeois film for a bourgeois audience.

For a good read, go check out Ben's great work on Farocki, which is goading me to get serious about trying to track down any and all copies of the films I can find. So those of you out there with nefarious underworld connections, bring a copy of Bilder der Welt und Inschrift der Krieges and name your barter-price. Thinking something like the mysterious box from Kiss Me Deadly...

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