Proposal for insurrectionary wheatpasting technique

Design a poster. Make eight hundred thousand copies. The content is irrelevant. Wheatpaste two of them together. Add a third. Add a... ad infinitum until you have built a wall. Build more walls. Quietly push them into the street and arrange them so they look like a new housing development, a tax office. The state will take down your posters, peeling off one at a time, finding only one more beneath each time, trying to produce the bare wall beneath that doesn't exist. While they are busy doing this, get busy organizing new forms of life.


  1. haha, nice détournement of the affichistes!

    (à la hains, villeglé, rotella)

  2. décollage everything!

  3. for that matter, let's draw in the underutilized skill set of middle aged scrap-booking housewives:

    decoupage everything!

    For a city shellacked over with bits borrowed from afar...
