By the break of dawn the citadel's ramparts had been draped

The Economist already made the lame joke last week, but hell, time for reapplication: Acropolis Now...

(Also, something particularly archaic - and stirring - about actions involving "citadels" and "the break of dawn.")


  1. I must say that, there's no relation between 'rise-up-spirit' and current situation in Greece. KKE is playing around. They had funny decisions and everybody was expecting that crise.. I'm Greek and Turkish both, but it's a fact: Greece is European little annoying kid.

  2. "Greece is European little annoying kid."

    One of my favorite sentences I've read of late. Perhaps, fitting, than that we have the appropriate children's book:

    I'll admit, I don't have a particular cogent analysis of the situation in Greece, and how its flare-ups of "rise-up-spirit" should be taken. And we certainly tend to over-valorize it, in part because of visually wowing instances (i.e. hammer and sickle on Parthenon.) But given the U.S. perspective and the Euro-crisis of P.I.G.S., it's hard not to be lured in/genuinely inspired by what many have been trying to do, less KKE than those who join general strikes or strike out from Exarcheia.

  3. My greek part wanna see that my country goes well again without Papandreu. And I'm also Turkish and I'm considering the European way of hypocracy.

    'Euro-nations rise up!' or 'a new home for Israel'.. Some words are valuable, like home or rising up for freedom. (attachment) Thanks for sharing your space altho my bad English.
