"You can't do nothing that's normal for it to happen right."


  1. Thoughts on L'Ordure à l'état Pur forthcoming?

  2. Just got it. Going to let it bang around my head for a few days, then yes, some thoughts.

  3. I think it hit me on the fifth listen - loathed it through the first four. Also, consult: http://www.lamesnieherlequin.com/Revue/
    - if you haven't yet - for some text worth skimming.

  4. On further listen, it seems clear that aside from the usual punkish infusion, the new touchstone here is industrial. It sounds, at more than a few moments, like a xenophobic Dødheimsgard. It is often remarkable, sonically. It often involves a degree of misogyny that is incredibly hard to take and, as such, should not be taken. I'll write a more extended take on this (on the gap between what is "tolerated" in the nasty politics of BM - sure, we all hate the Pope, and yeah, if it takes some medieval throwback to loathe the contemporary state, well, at least it ain't liberal - and what I find actually intolerable - see here Famine shouting "salope"). It might stand as an example of what it is like to listen - and to stop listening - to something actually hateful, far more than any recalcitrant Satanism and bathing in whatever blood of however many Christians can manage.
