When you thought you couldn't go lower, it turns out the elevator shaft falls straight through the earth

Homophobic incitement aside, we are, after all, talking about a 74 year old head of state who called the Milanese police to release an 18 year old belly dancer - by lying to them about who her father was - who had sex with his bronzer-stained robot corpse body when she was 17.  Remember, this is technically a functional nation that hypothetically chooses its leaders in free elections.


Giovanni Tiso said...

In a nice posthuman touch, Silvio needs injections to get it up these days, so you can extend "bronzer stained" to include that.

(And the word verification, believe it or not, is biotick).

Anonymous said...

ça peut toujours aller plus mal...
it can always get worse
Siempre puede se peor

(Diego Vecchio : Microbios/ Microbes; "l'homme à la cervelle", nouvelles traduites en français, original Argentin, ED. l'Arbre Vengeur, 2010)

lointaines salutations

ECW said...

One day, an implanted "biotick" will do the work of all those bronzed stiffening injections. And then hell really begins.

ECW said...

Anon: thanks for the reference, didn't know Vecchio, and because of recent looking at Leopardi, I've been thinking about sickness and what it gives to thought. Hypochondria as melancholic motor of speculation...
