I was sent this by a collective I know, and I put this up first as just an image, to let it stand alone. But CR let me know that this is in fact from Israel's 2006 attacks on Lebanon.
And now I'm struck even more by my mistake here, by something like this which remains a sort of singularity but which is made not commensurable but one in a series. To borrow from Badiou here, we might think of these instances (that which might be Lebanon, that which might be Gaza, that which can never be part of the kind of death exchange calculus Israel wishes for) as + 1's that never manage to expand the set. Or at the least, we should guard them as such, holding off their inclusion into calculations of "acceptable loss."
I'd send an email but I can't find one here. Just thought I should mention that from what I understand anyway that pic is from lebanon last year. It's at least not from gaza 2009 as I actually posted it on my site last year - http://tinyurl.com/98333u
Of course, the point is just the same anyway of course...
thanks for letting me know. I received it in a bundle of Gaza photos from the current slaughter and assumed it was also recent.
but sadly, the point does remain the same, an endless + 1 of these instances...
Yeah agreed, the point is even more hauntingly made....
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